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New Hampshire Requires “Phase II” Intervention for DWI Convictions

Drivers convicted of their first driving while intoxicated (DWI) offense are required to take the New Hampshire impaired driver intervention program (IDIP). Drivers facing a second DWI conviction within ten years of the first one must also take alcohol education classes. These drivers take a Phase II class, which differs from the first-offense class in several ways. […]

How Does a New Hampshire Driver Become a “Habitual Offender”?

When the New Hampshire Department of Motor Vehicles labels a driver a “Habitual Offender,” it’s more than just a name. Habitual Offender status in New Hampshire carries several penalties, including the loss of driving privileges. A New Hampshire driver can be labeled a “Habitual Offender” for a number of different reasons. Many offenders receive that label after being […]

Prevent Child Injuries: CPSC Launches Consumer-Friendly Product Warnings Database

Parents do everything in their power to keep their children safe. However, even the most cautious parent can only do so much when a dangerous or defective product is unknowingly used by their child. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently “soft-launched” a nationwide database that collects consumer concerns about product safety. The database will be […]

Stem Cell Therapy May Benefit Patients with Spinal Cord Injuries

Stem Cell Therapy May Benefit Patients with Spinal Cord Injuries

Researchers who study the uses of stem cells to treat and cure certain conditions may soon begin limited testing on patients with spinal cord injuries, according to a recent article in The Washington Post. Spinal cord injuries occur when the spinal cord, or the bundle of nerves responsible for communications between the body and the brain, […]

Benefit Held for New Hampshire Trooper Injured in Motorcycle Accident

Friends and supporters of New Hampshire state trooper Tom Bolton held a fundraising benefit on his behalf on January 15, according to an article published in The Nashua Telegraph. ESPN/WGAM sports radio host Jim Censabella led the fundraiser’s events, which included live music, raffles, and auctions. Trooper Tom Bolton was recently injured in a serious motorcycle […]

New Hampshire Drunk Driving: Why Is the Drinking Age 21 in Every State?

Older New Hampshire drivers may remember when the legal age for drinking alcohol was lower than it is today. Between 1971 and 1982, several states lowered the drinking age to include residents as young as 18 years of age. Today, however, the minimum legal drinking age is 21 in every U.S. state. What happened? The […]

Federal Study Uses Computer Sensors to Prevent Drunk Driving

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently released study results that compare various types of computer sensors and evaluate whether these sensors would be useful in preventing drunk driving. In each case, computer sensors were attached to vehicles, where they recorded information on the vehicle’s speed, its position in the road, the driver’s acceleration, braking, and […]

New Hampshire Divorced Couple Fight Over Daughter’s Schooling

A divorced couple has approached the New Hampshire Supreme Court to settle their disagreement on the proper way to educate their daughter, according to a recent Boston Globe article. The parents, who have joint custody of their 11-year-old daughter, have not been able to resolve their differences regarding their daughter’s schooling. From first until fourth grade, the […]

Impaired Driving Intervention Program Is Part of New Hampshire DUI/DWI Sentence

When a driver in New Hampshire is convicted of a first offense driving while intoxicated by use of alcohol or drugs, they must complete an Impaired Driving Intervention Program (IDIP). IDIP programs are offered by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), and are required by the court before a person convicted of drunk […]

New Hampshire Drunk Driving Rates Among Highest in the U.S.

A survey of nationwide drunk driving and drugged driving rates found that New Hampshire has some of the highest rates of driving while intoxicated in the nation, according to the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) tracks the rates of drunk driving and drugged […]