New Hampshire Personal Injury Lawyers

With Law Offices in Manchester, NH

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    New Hampshire Personal Injury Lawyers

    With Law Offices in Manchester, NH

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      New Hampshire Personal Injury Lawyers

      With Law Offices in Manchester, NH

      Do You Need Legal Help?

        Millions in Verdicts & Settlements

        The attorneys at Tenn And Tenn are ready to help you solve your legal problems and obtain results.


        Pedestrian Accident


        Motorcycle Collision




        Motorcycle Collision

        See What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

        Attorney John Tenn and his entire team are amazing people! If you need a lawyer, he is the man to call! He handled my case in a professional matter and took the stress out of it all.

        Mallory C.

        The whole team were very professional and responsive. My case was effectively handled with good communication during the process. Very satisfied with the outcome. Highly recommend!

        A. McMillan

        I was recently in need of a New Hampshire lawyer. I was put in touch with John Tenn. He went above and beyond for me to make sure I got the best help. Tenn and Tenn thank you for being so helpful!

        Brianna R.

        James J Tenn Jr

        James J. Tenn, Jr.

        Mayre Tenn

        Mary Elizabeth Tenn

        John Tenn

        John J. Tenn

        Working hard to obtain the best results possible for our clients and fighting to protect their rights.

        7 Key Mistakes to Avoid in Your New Hampshire Personal Injury Claim

        Download our free Personal Injury guide to learn what you should and shouldn't do regarding your personal injury case.

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        New Hampshire Personal Injury Lawyers

        Since 1995, the attorneys at Tenn And Tenn have been providing high caliber advocacy for clients involved in wrongful death, dog bite, auto accident, premises liability, construction accident, motorcycle accident, and child injury matters. 

        We know how to deal with complicated litigation, and we bring tremendous trial experience to the table. Experienced at litigation risk analysis, we can suggest the most proactive and rapid ways to maximize your recovery.

        Our New Hampshire attorneys have more than 20 years of experience and have handled a wide range of injury cases, from the most complicated of cases (including those involving paralysis, amputation, severe head injuries, and death) to less serious cases (such as those involving soft tissue injuries and neck and back strains). No matter the severity of your injury, our attorneys approach each claim with intensity, skill, and an indomitable work ethic.

        Our New Hampshire Personal Injury Lawyers are Ready To Help

        Personal injury law refers to a type of tort law related to injuries caused to an individual’s body, mind, property, or general rights. If you or a loved one have been hurt due to improper medical care, injured at work, disabled in an automobile or motorcycle accident, or otherwise compromised by a third party, you may be able to make an actionable claim to recover damages.

        Statutes of limitations apply to personal injury claims. In many cases, you have up to three years from the date of an injury to file for damages. However, this window can vary based on the circumstances of your case.

        Remember to seek medical attention first if you have suffered an injury. Avoid discussing your matter with any investigators or insurance adjusters before you retain a lawyer to represent you. Be aware that written descriptions, signed forms, settlement agreements, or even oral testimony that you give during this time can and may be used against you at some future date if you choose to pursue a personal injury lawsuit.

        Personal Injury Damages

        In New Hampshire, if you’ve suffered an injury due to someone else’s negligence, state law ensures you’re entitled to fair compensation from the responsible party. This longstanding principle guarantees that individuals harmed by negligence receive full and adequate compensation for their losses.

        What kinds of losses can be compensated?

        A wide range of damages can be recovered in New Hampshire. Courts consider various factors including pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost earnings, loss of future income, permanent disability, disfigurement, and in the most severe cases, catastrophic injury or death.

        Understanding Pain and Suffering

        “Pain and suffering” is a legal term that encompasses both the physical discomfort and the emotional distress resulting from a personal injury. Valuing human pain and suffering stands as one of the most intricate challenges in any New Hampshire personal injury case. Unlike economic damages, there exists no scientific formula or definitive method for quantifying compensation to offset the pain and suffering endured due to another’s negligence. Each injury case is unique and demands a thorough and nuanced assessment.

        Under New Hampshire law, individuals injured as a result of someone else’s negligence are entitled to compensation not only for the pain and suffering they have endured to date but also for what they are likely to experience in the future. This includes compensation for physical pain, discomfort, anxiety, fears, mental and emotional anguish, and the loss of enjoyment of life—the ability to relish life as they did before the accident. These elements are essential considerations in evaluating pain and suffering claims arising from New Hampshire car accidents or motorcycle claims.

        Recovering Lost Wages

        Under New Hampshire law, individuals are entitled to receive full and equitable compensation for their damages. One significant aspect of these damages includes the value of lost wages up to the present time, as well as wages that would have been earned if not for the accident and resulting injuries.

        To recover lost wages, the injured party must demonstrate their inability to work due to sustained injuries and provide documentation of the wages they would have earned. A lost wage claim encompasses not only regular pay but also overtime, bonuses, differentials, potential raises, and even missed opportunities for career advancement or commissions. In cases involving severe and permanently disabling injuries from a New Hampshire vehicle collision, individuals may also seek compensation for lost earning capacity and future wages. Assessing these losses can be intricate, often necessitating expert evaluation to determine the extent of the individual’s diminished earning capacity.

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        Loss of Consortium

        In New Hampshire, the law acknowledges that when someone is seriously injured in a car or motorcycle accident, their claim for damages extends beyond their own pain and suffering. Spouses are also entitled to seek compensation for what is termed “loss of consortium.” This legal principle recognizes that a spouse has a right to the companionship, affection, and support of their partner.

        Under New Hampshire law, loss of consortium encompasses several elements. The right to “society” includes the emotional aspects of a relationship such as love, companionship, and solace. The right to “sex” pertains to the intimate aspects of the relationship, including sexual relations and the ability to have children together. Finally, the right to “services” refers to the practical support and assistance typically provided by a spouse in maintaining the household.

        Importantly, a loss of consortium claim can be pursued even if the spouse seeking damages did not suffer a physical injury themselves. For instance, if a husband’s wife is injured in a car accident and can no longer perform household tasks she previously handled, such as maintaining their home, the husband may have a valid loss of consortium claim.

        This legal recourse recognizes the impact that a serious injury can have on a marital relationship beyond just the physical injuries suffered by the injured party. It aims to compensate the spouse for the tangible and intangible losses experienced due to the accident.

        Medical Records

        Injury victims often find themselves immersed in a regimen of medical care that can span months or even years. Beginning with urgent visits to the emergency room and continuing through consultations with primary care physicians, appointments with specialists, and potentially surgical interventions or rehabilitative therapies, the trajectory of recovery becomes intertwined with the accumulation of crucial medical records.

        These records serve as pivotal evidence documenting the cause, diagnosis, progression, and treatment of injuries sustained. They play a crucial role in establishing that the victim bears no fault for their injuries and provide detailed insights into the physical, mental, and emotional toll inflicted. Insurance companies scrutinize these records meticulously, relying on the objective assessments of medical professionals to assess the severity of injuries and the associated costs.

        While privacy laws typically safeguard medical information, pursuing compensation for injuries sustained due to another party’s negligence necessitates disclosure of relevant medical conditions. This disclosure is essential for substantiating personal injury claims in New Hampshire, underscoring the necessity of assembling and comprehensively analyzing medical records and bills.

        At Tenn And Tenn, P.A., our team of seasoned New Hampshire personal injury lawyers focus on navigating the complexities of medical documentation. With over two decades of experience representing victims of serious motor vehicle collisions, we understand the intricacies of consolidating extensive medical records from multiple providers. This meticulous approach ensures that each detail—from treatment specifics to billing accuracy—is meticulously organized and strategically utilized in negotiations with insurers or as compelling evidence in litigation.

        For those who have suffered serious injuries in New Hampshire motorcycle or car accidents, the details encapsulated within their medical records—dates of treatment, types of interventions received, and the comprehensive extent of care—form indispensable pillars of their claim for compensation.

        Avoiding Common Pitfalls After a Personal Injury

        When you’ve suffered a personal injury in New Hampshire, it’s crucial to tread carefully in the aftermath. Here are some common mistakes to avoid and how Tenn And Tenn, PA, can help you navigate these challenges.

        Choosing the Wrong Attorney

        One of the most significant decisions you’ll make after an injury is selecting the right attorney. While many lawyers may claim to handle personal injury cases, not all are trial attorneys. Insurance companies know which lawyers are willing to take cases to trial, and they often adjust their settlement offers accordingly. Choosing an attorney with trial experience, like the team at Tenn And Tenn, PA, can significantly impact the outcome of your case.

        Delaying Medical Treatment

        After an injury, seeking immediate medical attention is paramount. Not only does prompt medical care prioritize your health and well-being, but it also creates a clear record of your injuries and their severity. Delaying medical treatment can not only worsen your condition but may also raise doubts about the cause and extent of your injuries.

        Disregarding Doctor’s Orders

        Once you’ve sought medical treatment, it’s essential to follow your doctor’s recommendations diligently. Failure to adhere to prescribed treatments or therapy regimens can not only impede your recovery but may also undermine your credibility in the eyes of insurance adjusters or jurors. Your commitment to your treatment plan demonstrates the seriousness of your injuries and strengthens your case.

        Engaging with Insurance Companies Without Legal Representation

        Perhaps one of the most common mistakes individuals make after a personal injury is engaging with insurance companies without the guidance of an experienced attorney. Insurance adjusters are skilled at minimizing payouts and may use tactics to devalue or discredit your claim. By consulting with Tenn And Tenn, PA, before speaking with insurance representatives, you can protect your rights and ensure that your best interests are represented.

        Frequently Asked Questions

        Navigating the aftermath of a personal injury can be overwhelming, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the legal process. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions that individuals injured in New Hampshire may have:

        Seek medical attention. If you are injured, your health must be your initial concern. Obtain medical treatment as soon as possible. Do not take any unnecessary risks to your health after an accident or injury.

        If you or someone in your family has been injured, you should seek legal advice as quickly as possible thereafter to see if you have a New Hampshire claim for personal injury. The cause of an injury may not always be obvious, and there may be one or more parties responsible for the injury. Tenn And Tenn, P.A. in Manchester, New Hampshire, can help determine the cause of an injury, and whether someone is legally responsible for the injury.

        You should not discuss your injury or the way in which it happened with anyone until you have consulted a New Hampshire attorney. These statements might be incorrect, incomplete, taken out of context, or be harmful to your case at a later date. Do not file any written reports or descriptions, sign any papers, or agree to any settlement, as this may affect your ability to recover full compensation for your injuries.

        In New Hampshire, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is generally three years from the date of the injury. However, there may be exceptions to this rule depending on the specifics of your case. It’s essential to consult with an experienced attorney at Tenn And Tenn, PA, as soon as possible to ensure that you meet all necessary deadlines.

        There are strict statutes of limitations, which prohibit the bringing of old claims. For many claims, these statutes of limitations may be three years, although there are several exceptions both shorter and longer. You should consult a New Hampshire lawyer as soon as you are aware that you have been injured. Even if you were injured some time ago, you may still be able to bring a claim. Failing to file a personal injury lawsuit within the statute of limitations will cause the claim to expire and you will not receive any compensation for your injuries.

        If you are injured through the fault of someone else, you are entitled under New Hampshire law to full, fair and adequate compensation for your injuries.

        In a personal injury case, you may be entitled to various types of damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. The specific damages available to you will depend on the circumstances of your injury and the extent of your losses. Our attorneys will thoroughly assess your case to determine the full scope of damages you may be entitled to recover.

        A valid personal injury claim requires you to demonstrate that you have been injured due to someone else’s fault, and have sustained damages. Injury claims, or tort claims as they are called, requires the injured party to demonstrate two specific elements known as liability and damages. Consulting a New Hampshire personal injury lawyer is the most prudent act to determine whether your personal injury claim is valid.

        Negligence is the failure to use reasonable care. In other words, negligence is any conduct that falls below the standard of care established by law to protect others from the unreasonable risk of harm.

        Not necessarily. Many personal injury cases are resolved through negotiated settlements with insurance companies, eliminating the need for a trial. However, if a fair settlement cannot be reached, our attorneys at Tenn And Tenn, PA, are prepared to take your case to court and advocate for your rights before a judge and jury.

        Almost all personal injury claims are defended by insurance company lawyers and paid by insurance, so the person or corporation you sue will not necessarily have to pay any money out-of-pocket. A personal injury claim is a civil case, not a criminal case, and the defendant will generally not go to jail because of the claim.

        The value of your personal injury case will depend on various factors, including the severity of your injuries, the extent of your medical expenses, the impact on your ability to work, and the degree of pain and suffering you’ve endured. Our experienced attorneys will conduct a thorough evaluation of your case to determine its potential value and work diligently to maximize your recovery.

        Retaining the services of an experienced New Hampshire personal injury lawyer is critical in any personal injury claim. Hiring an attorney as soon as possible allows your legal counselor to gather critical evidence, obtain witness statements, and document the facts surrounding your accident or injury. Act quickly to preserve your rights in order to present the best evidence on your behalf.

        At Tenn And Tenn, PA, we understand that finances may be a concern after an injury. That’s why we offer free consultations to discuss your case and explain your legal options. Additionally, we work on a contingency fee basis, which means you don’t pay any attorney fees unless we recover compensation for you.

        The term “bodily injury claim” usually refers to a personal injury sustained by an individual. These claims usually involve economic damages and general damages. Economic damages are those damages which usually refer to lost wages, medical bills, rental car expenses, and other direct monetary damages. General damages traditionally refer to pain, suffering, and distress. Before you settle your bodily injury claim, be certain that you are receiving a recovery for all aspects of damages available to you as a result of the injuries you sustained.

        If your claim is denied by the insurance company, it’s essential to seek legal guidance from our experienced attorneys at Tenn And Tenn, PA. We can review the denial, gather additional evidence, and explore options for appealing the decision or pursuing further legal action to ensure that your rights are protected.

        Your attorney can seek to recover your medical expenses from the individual or company at fault in your accident along with other types of compensation. In many instances, your attorney can recover from your own insurance policy.

        If you have uninsured motorist coverage on your own vehicle under your own policy of insurance, you may be able to recover under you own policy. Be sure to contact an attorney for review of your situation. Payment of these types of claims under your policy should not result in an increase in your premium, or a cancellation of your coverage.

        As a general practice, lawyers traditionally do not settle clients’ cases without their knowledge and consent. However, it is possible that the Fee Agreement you executed with your lawyer allows him or her to settle your case without your consent. It is prudent to always discuss the settlement process with your lawyer, to ensure that you are fully advised of the settlement negotiations in that you wish to have the final say regarding your settlement.

        Yes. It is quite common that healthcare providers are paid out of personal injury recoveries. Most health insurance policies now have language which requires the insurance company to be repaid for the amount of money they have advanced or paid on medical bills if the injured person receives a personal injury settlement.

        New Hampshire personal injury lawyers client story

        This client story is for educational purposes only.

        In the wake of a chilly New Hampshire evening, Bill found himself in a situation he never imagined. The sharp clang of metal on metal, followed by screeching tires, marked the moment his life changed forever. He was left with a broken arm, shattered confidence, and a whirlwind of uncertainty swirling around him.

        Feeling lost and overwhelmed, Bill wasn’t sure where to turn. Medical bills piled up like snowdrifts, and the pain from his injuries seemed insurmountable. But amidst the chaos, a beacon of hope emerged –—John Tenn from Tenn And Tenn, PA.

        With a gentle yet determined demeanor, John became more than just an attorney to Bill — he became a guiding light through the darkness. From the moment they met, John listened intently to Bill’s story, absorbing every detail with empathy and understanding.

        With John by his side, Bill felt a glimmer of hope reignite within him. John navigated the complexities of the legal process with precision, leaving no stone unturned in his pursuit of justice for Bill.

        As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, John remained steadfast in his commitment to Bill’s case. He fought tirelessly on Bill’s behalf, advocating for his rights and tirelessly pursuing the compensation he deserved.

        Through every twist and turn, John stood as a pillar of strength for Bill, offering unwavering support and guidance. And when the moment of truth arrived — the resolution of Bill’s personal injury claim — John delivered a successful outcome that exceeded all expectations.

        With John’s help, Bill was able to reclaim his life and move forward with renewed hope and optimism. The road to recovery may have been long and arduous, but with John Tenn and Tenn And Tenn, PA, by his side, Bill knew he was never alone.

        If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a personal injury incident in New Hampshire, don’t face the challenges alone. The team at Tenn And Tenn, PA, is here to provide you with the compassionate legal support you need during this difficult time.

        Free Consultations

        We understand the uncertainty and stress that can accompany a personal injury. That’s why we offer free consultations to discuss your case and explore your legal options. During this meeting, we’ll listen to your story, answer your questions, and provide you with the clarity and guidance you need to move forward.

        Contingency Fee Basis

        At Tenn And Tenn, PA, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality legal representation, regardless of their financial situation. That’s why we work on a contingency fee basis, which means you don’t pay any attorney fees unless we recover compensation for you. You can trust that we will tirelessly pursue your claim, fighting for the justice and compensation you deserve every step of the way.

        Contact Us Today

        Don’t wait another moment to seek the justice and compensation you deserve. Contact Tenn And Tenn, PA, today to schedule your free consultation. With our experienced team by your side, you can rest assured that your rights will be fiercely protected, and your best interests will always come first. Let us be your advocates during this challenging time – we’re here to help.

        Client Reviews

        The team of people who work for this firm are some of the most professional and personable individuals I have ever known. You can trust their knowledge and expertise. They are absolutely a five star organization.

        Nick L.

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