Concussions–Frequently Asked Questions in New Hampshire

In 2018, writer Drew Magary had just finished singing in a New York City karaoke bar and was walking down a hallway when suddenly “the lights went out.” He collapsed on a concrete floor with a bloody head wound that left him in a coma for two weeks and long-term physical and cognitive damage that has forever changed his life. An MRI revealed that he had suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and a massive brain hemorrhage. However, even today, neither medical professionals nor Magary–who has no memory of the event–knows which came first.

TYPICAL CAUSES OF TBIConcussions–Frequently Asked Questions in New Hampshire

Traumatic brain injuries are a significant cause of disability and death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Over 223,000 people were hospitalized with a TBI in 2019, and more than 64,300 people died from TBI in 2020. TBIs typically result from a violent blow or jolt to the head, commonly occurring as a consequence of:

• car, truck, or motorcycle accidents

• slip and falls

• assaults

• sports-related injuries

• industrial accidents

In Magary’s case, it is medically undetermined whether the injury occurred because he fell on the concrete floor, whether someone struck him, or for another reason. Medical tests were inconclusive, and because Magary has no memory of what happened, he cannot shed light on the matter.


TBI symptoms can run the gamut from mild to severe. Mild symptoms may include concussion, headache, nausea, speech problems, drowsiness or fatigue, dizziness or loss of balance, mood swings, and memory and concentration problems. Some symptoms can be so mild a person may not realize they have TBI.

Moderate and severe TBI symptoms are more difficult to overlook. These can include loss of consciousness, repeated vomiting, severe headache, numbness in fingers or toes, slurred speech, agitation, memory loss, profound confusion, sluggishness, brain hemorrhage, or coma. Persons experiencing any of these symptoms should seek emergency treatment immediately.


Medical professionals use CT scans and MRIs to diagnose brain trauma. CT scans are a series of brain X-rays that can reveal bleeding, clots, bruised brain tissue, swelling, or skull fractures. MRIs use magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of the brain. However, doctors also rely on the patient’s explanation of how the injury occurred to help assess the nature of the damage. Naturally, this can be problematic if the patient has no memory of the event. You will need other eyewitnesses, if any, to fill in the gaps


If you have suffered a TBI in a New Hampshire car or motorcycle accident, slip and fall, or other circumstances but have no memory of the incident, consult a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer. Your lawyer may be able to help you find witnesses and evidence of the event, piece together what happened, and help you fight for the compensation you deserve. Call the skilled personal injury attorneys of Tenn And Tenn, P.A. at 1-888-511-1010 today or contact us online for a consultation. We are ready to help you reclaim your life.